Exploring the future of Vietnam’s construction materials industry: Kirin Capital and Minh Hưng (GMH) in Dialogue

On May 12, 2023, Kirin Capital’s investment department had a meeting and exchange with the leadership of Minh Hưng Corporation (GMH). Mr. Lê Đình Sung, Chairman of GMH’s Board of Directors, and Mr. Đặng Sĩ Tiếp, Deputy General Director of the company, warmly welcomed the Kirin Capital delegation led by Mr. Fermen Lee, Director of Investments. 

The working session was attended by Mr. Lê Đình Sung (second from the left), Chairman of GMH’s Board of Directors, Mr. Đặng Sĩ Tiếp (far left), Deputy General Director of GMH, and the representative from Kirin Capital, Mr. Fermen Lee (second from the right), Director of Investments

During the meeting, both sides discussed the development of the construction materials industry in general and cement production in Vietnam in particular, especially in the context of the government’s strong push for public investment disbursement. Businesses in the industry can take advantage of this opportunity for development, including GMH, which has plans to expand its production plants in the near future to meet the increasing demands of Quảng Trị and neighboring provinces.

MGH has been striving to meet market demand for development

On the part of Kirin Capital, the company shared insightful information and perspectives on the current construction materials market from the investor’s point of view. Kirin Capital assessed the industry as having great potential and prospects for growth, with favorable conditions for infrastructure and construction. During the working process, both sides also further discussed aspects of business, strategies, and long-term development.

The meeting between Kirin Capital and GMH achieved certain results and created opportunities for both parties to exchange, learn, and make appropriate decisions in line with the industry’s situation. Based on this, GMH and Kirin Capital will continue to explore various aspects of the cement industry in the near future, aiming for its sustainable development and contributing to the construction of a robust infrastructure for Vietnam.